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2016 TripAdvisor Certificafe of Excellence

在5/24,Toasteria Café 被授予2016年的 TripAdvisor卓越獎,證明了我們在TripAdvisor得到了許多很棒的評價。 TripAdvisor的卓越獎在服務業中是一個廣為人知並且相當具有公信力以及影響力的一個獎項,表示得獎的企業持續提供了高品質的服務。 為了選出得獎者,TripAdvisor收集了許多評論、意見以及顧客打的分數,而這些企業的分數都至少要4至5顆星。 Toasteria Café 非常感謝TripAdvisor頒發的卓越獎,也非常感謝總是如此支持我們的你! 因為有了你們,才有這樣持續進步的Toasteria Café !

On May 24th, Toasteria Cafe was awarded the 2016 Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence, reflecting the consistently great reviews we’ve earned on the application. Trip Advisor´s Certificate of Excellence is an acknowledgement granted to service business that have a high quality service, in a constant way. It’s granted to places that have continuously gotten good reviews of the Trip Advisor users all year long. The business establishments that have received this certificate are located all around the world and offer constantly a High Quality service. To choose the winners, Trip advisor gathers reviews, opinions and scores of business that have at least 4 out f 5 stars. Toasteria Café would like to thank you for this Certificate of Excellence in Trip Advisor, because all of you make this possible.

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